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It takes hardly few seconds to search on the internet about granulator machine, but you will be surprised to see that there is hardly website who offer original granulator machine. This machine is highly used in size reduction industry. Most of the website makes use of the granulator to attract people and they don’t offer original one to their customer. To make you find original granulator, it is important to know about granulator machine and its original parts. The granulator is the process of formation of crystal grain, which ranges in size of 0.2 and 4.0.

  • The machine of granulator

The granulator machine is highly used in the production stage of solid dosage drugs. It is used to convert powered drug formulation into physical form. The original meaning of granulator is put the larger component into grain-like particles. That’s why granulator name is given to the machine that has the ability to reduce components into smaller parts.

Even, granulator machine have the capability to reduce shape into smaller parts like corn. Some of the manufacturer use granulator word to indicate another kind of machine, so will choose machine or jump to the website, you must check out which granulator they are indicating.

  • Process of granulation

The process of granulator is carried out for the different reason. Basically, it is carried out to prevent segregation of powder mix. This needs to prevent because of different size and density of components. At the base of the container, the smaller or denser particle gets collected and larger particle remains on top. In perfect granulation process, all the constituents are mixed well in correct proportion, which prevents segregation or granules properly. Some of the powder constituents do not mix well because irregular size and shape. The granules system produces cohesive particles, which have isodiametric factors, which makes proper flow of constituents

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